****** Slidesaver Installation Notes ********** ********** Important Safety Tips ************** slidesvr.exe is a self-installing program for the Slidesaver screen saver. It uses one of the most advanced setup programs available (WISE) for creating safe, customized installations. Installing new shareware is always a bit of a gamble, because a bad installation can do a fair number on your system. The usual causes are from overwriting of existing controls and dynamic link libraries with out of date versions, or having the wrong versions of the same .vbx, .dll, and/or .drv file accessed by the executing program, if you have multiple versions of these files scattered across your drive. Important system files may also be rewritten in such a way that existing programs may no longer work properly. The slidesvr.zip file contains the slidesvr.exe self installing program for Slidesaver, as well as install.txt (this file) and a file_id.diz file for easy identification of this program from within a zip file. The slidesvr.exe file installs an uninstall program for Slidesaver as well as the program files needed for execution. Files which are installed are: slidesvr.scr (MUST go in your WINDOWS directory) slidesvr.hlp (MUST go in the same dir as slidesvr.scr) The following files SHOULD go in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: gifbox.vbx (required to show GIF images) vbrun300.dll (visual basic 3 run time module) cmdialog.vbx (visual basic control - common dialog) commdlg.dll (dynamic link library for common dialogs) aspin.vbx (visual basic control - spin buttons) threed.vbx (visual basic control - 3D panels) When the program is run the first time, features you establish in the setup dialog box (GIF directory, delay, password) are stored in the CONTROL.INI file in your WINDOWS directory. If you already have some of these files installed, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite with the files from the install set. ONLY replace files if they are older versions of the ones being installed. Please note that most of these files MUST be placed in either C:\WINDOWS or in a directory accessed via the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you install files to a different directory you may get unpredictable results. This is because if there are two different versions of the same .vbx file on your hard drive, you may end up using the wrong version with Slidesaver. Since in this installation the slidesvr.scr file is required in the C:\WINDOWS directory (or whatever directory you have WINDOWS installed in), the underlying DOS operating system will automatically use the .vbx files which are in the same directory the executable file (slidescr.scr) is in, and if these are not present, your PATH statement determines the order in which DOS searches for the .vbx files required by Slidesaver. This discussion also covers .dll (dynamic link libraries) and .drv (driver) files as well.